Articles from February 2021

Why should I use an online will writing service?

Traditionally, the way to write a will and get your affairs in order has been to engage the services of a solicitor. Having expert help to walk you through the legal steps required gives a level of comfort and security when it comes to making plans for your estate. It also comes at a price. Using a solicitor to document how you want your finances and assets managed in the event of your passing does not come cheap. It can also take more than one appointment which can rack up the cost. An onl

Do I need a solicitor to write a will?

You may have thought once or twice about preparing your will. It is one of those tasks that is easily put off, but it is essential to protect your family, your estate, and convey your wishes legally and effectively. However, like many others you may have delayed writing your will for any number of reasons. It can be time consuming It can be stressful or unpleasant It can be expensive To draft a will in the traditional manner you will  need to book an appointment with a solicitor, sort out