Help: Guardians

What happens if the appointment of an executor or guardian fails?

You might have already approached the people you’re going to appoint as guardians and executors in your will for their permission to do so, but let’s face it, a lot can change between now and when your will’s going to be needed. This could include these key people changing their mind, not being around anymore or not being physically able to carry out their responsibilities. How you can minimise the risk of this happening We’d always recommend you appoint substitutes for the key appointments in

What is a 'guardian'?

If you have children under the age of 18 you will probably want to nominate a guardian for them in case you and the child’s other parent were to die. You can only appoint a guardian for your children if you have parental responsibility for them. You can read more about who has parental responsibility and what will happen if there is no will in our ‘What happens to your children if you die without a will’ article. A guardian’s role and responsibilities The role of a guardian is essentially mu

Who should be appointed as a Guardian?

Out of all the decisions you’ll need to make whilst writing your will, choosing who will look after your children if you and their other parent were to die, is possibly one of the hardest decisions you will have to make.  Whilst it might be an upsetting prospect, it’s an important decision and one you’ll most certainly want to get right. So, who should you choose? Choosing the right guardians Most people choose a brother, sister or close friend to be guardians, but does being a good friend or y

Who will take care of my children if I die without a Will?

If you have children under 18, have you ever considered what would happen to them if you were to die? Who would look after them? Guardianship For many people, appointing people to look after their children if they die is one of the most important functions of a will. These people – guardians – will have “parental responsibility” for the children. A person with parental responsibility is entitled to take decisions on behalf of a child for example about education, medical treatment and where th